Civic Sphere worked with the National Center for Mobility Management (NCMM) in Washington D.C. in 2021-22, providing an additional series of training events to 3 selected communities across the US. This project was built on the base of two other NCMM projects, the Online Resource Center and Part One of the training series. Instead of focusing only on the One-Call/One-Click (OC/OC) concept, it added a similar concept, Universal Mobility as a Service (Universal MaaS).
Client Question:
How can I inspire more communities to get started with their first OC/OC (or Universal MaaS) project, or scale up their current effort into additional projects?
Civic Sphere’s Response:
By providing the training series (or the recorded content online), the participants can be guided through a series of activities – resulting in a customized action plan to either begin OC/OC (or Universal MaaS) work for the first time or scale it up from an existing effort.
Additional Project Details:
Participants were interviewed prior to the first session in order to incorporate their needs into the customized training series. Each training session ended with the distribution of an assignment to be completed prior to the next session, so that participants were able to combine the training content with their own situations throughout the training series. The training relied heavily on peer project examples, so that the participants could see concrete illustrations. The training sessions were also recorded, providing the base for a future on-demand training opportunity.
Client Question:
How can I inspire more communities to get started with their first OC/OC (or Universal MaaS) project, or scale up their current effort into additional projects?
Civic Sphere’s Response:
By providing the training series (or the recorded content online), the participants can be guided through a series of activities – resulting in a customized action plan to either begin OC/OC (or Universal MaaS) work for the first time or scale it up from an existing effort.
Additional Project Details:
Participants were interviewed prior to the first session in order to incorporate their needs into the customized training series. Each training session ended with the distribution of an assignment to be completed prior to the next session, so that participants were able to combine the training content with their own situations throughout the training series. The training relied heavily on peer project examples, so that the participants could see concrete illustrations. The training sessions were also recorded, providing the base for a future on-demand training opportunity.